Bike Garage - Bmw R65 Scrambler “Lulu”

Kingdom of Cambodia is a solid lay down rich inwards civilisation together with natural beauty alongside ancient temples, deserted beaches, wild rivers, lost forests, where the oculus of the tourist is satisfied yesteryear together with so much wealth, but it is too a solid lay down sum of craftsmen who notwithstanding operate alongside methods ancient together with are able to construct beautiful bikes

Matthew A.S. Tippetts is an enthusiast who has created his ain special, alongside a lot of attention is attention

"I chose every pocket-sized particular (handlebar alongside cables inside, leather grips, Rizoma reservoir, pocket-sized start/kill switch, no telephone commutation but RFID, pocket-sized mirrors, sum stainless steel fastening, charger for iPhone when google mapping my directions inwards the countryside, Rizoma pillion footrests, choke pulls on carbs, sum tubes…), together with getting from all over the house parts which I intend check good together (Tank pigment yesteryear ER motorcycles, spot yesteryear Miller Upholstery, blinkers yesteryear Down & Out, exhaust from Modern Motorcycles…).

She rides amazingly together with the 850cc engine (Enlarged kit) sounds out of this world, together with beingness ane of alone a handful of airheads inwards Cambodia, she definitely gets a lot of attention, specially Cambodians who simply grin wondering what an populace is this weird engine.


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